
(251) 952-5810


(251) 952-5810

Application Information

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How does my organization apply for a Snook Foundation Grant?


If you haven't already, please take time to read the Do I Qualify? page before submitting grant requests.

Check out our Glossary of Terms for more information on some of the terms that may be used when applying.

Only organizations may apply for Snook Foundation Funding. The Snook Foundation does not fund individuals.

The Snook Foundation Trustees meet twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. Those wishing to apply must have ALL information completed in the grant application and submitted to The Snook Foundation no later than the following dates for each meeting:
Spring: February 15th
Fall: August 15th

You will be contacted by mid-to-late March (Spring) or mid-to-late September (Fall) with a decision regarding your grant application.

ALL Educational institutions MUST adhere to the following guidelines when applying:
Only TWO grant applications PER SCHOOL will be accepted during each grant allocation period. TWO applications PER SCHOOL for our spring meeting, and TWO applications PER SCHOOL for our fall meeting. ALL grant requests submitted by schools MUST contain a letter or signature from the Principal, approving the submitted grant request.

Apply Online

An Online Application is provided and may be accessed by clicking the "Apply Now" button below. Please fill in all applicable fields, then click the submit button at the bottom of the form. You will be given the option of having your completed form emailed to you once you are finished. Please have ALL documentation ready to submit along with your application. You will be unable to submit the form without uploading your 501(c) Determination Letter, Federal Tax Identification Number, or Employer Identification Number.

Apply Now

Have Questions? Click Here to email The Snook Foundation